Making the quality of life at work a driver of sustainable development for the company and optimizing its overall performance with an clear CSR policy

Making the quality of life at work a driver of sustainable development for the company and optimizing its overall performance with an clear CSR policy Working on Corporate Social Responsibility or Quality of Life at Work implies, before any action, a proper understanding of the initial situation and “taking the temperature” of the company. This assessment is a necessary stepping stone to initiate a continuous improvement logic within the organization.

With our expertise in change management and our quality of life at work innovations, we support HR functions in objectifying, diagnosing and implementing sustainable improvement actions.

Contexts of intervention

  • CSR strategy
  • Social Risk Management and Prevention of Psychosocial Risks (RPS)
  • Piloting the social climate (barometer and progress actions)
  • Well-Being at Work Index (IBET©)
  • Worklife Quality Barometer: Worklife quality Barometer and Management of worklife quality (MQVT©)

What sets us apart

  • Our conviction that commitment and trust between the employee and the company are two prerequisites for the development of the company and the success of its CSR projects
  • Our unique tool created by Mozart Consulting: the Well Being at Work Index ©, a quantitative approach to reveal the socio-organizational commitment (Goodwill social©) and the cost of workplace malaise

Quelques exemples de missions

  • Evaluating the socio-organizational climate in a subsidiary
    Evaluating the socio-organizational climate in a subsidiary
    Evaluating the socio-organizational climate in a subsidiary

    The insurance subsidiary of a banking corporation wants to make a quantitative and qualitative diagnostic of the psycho-social risks in the parent company and its different departments, so as to establish a benchmark in terms of HR performance. This benchmark is to help train and support managers.

    The Mozart Consulting team (that is part of WillBe Group), specialized in socio-economic performance, intervened to carry out a socio-economic audit of the subsidiary. An innovative approach is adopted, based on a new concept, IBET (an indicator to measure well-being at work). The team gathers and analyzes socio-economic data and all existing dashboards to make a reliable objective assessment of the socio-organizational climate.

    The quantitative results measured by IBET help complete the diagnostic to map out all psycho-social risks, as listed by psychologists.

    The main benefit of the approach is that practical recommendations can be made in terms of work organization and managerial practices.

  • Piloting wellbeing at work via IBET
    Piloting wellbeing at work via IBET
    Piloting wellbeing at work via IBET.

    Read our success story. (only in French)

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