Céline, Manager
Ingeneer Arts et Métiers - ParisTech
As part of my Masters in Risk Management and in order to validate my engineering degree, I wanted to do my internship at a consulting firm. After meeting with them several times, I was seduced by the dynamic and pioneering side of WillBe Group.
For six months, I have been working on process change management and complex transformation projects, as well as on a number of internal projects.
At the end of my internship, I joined WillBe Group as junior consultant knowing that I could benefit of the experience of a solid team that is eager for challenges, while working on a range of strategic missions.
My choice was also motivated by the firm’s culture that offers everyone the opportunity to assume responsibilities appropriate to his or her capacity in an environment that is characterized by strong commitment and high standards.
Pierre, Manager
Engineer in Industrial Engineering - INP Grenoble
After 5 years in an operational consulting firm and following an entrepreneurial experience in the crowdfunding of real estate development projects, I decided to join WillBe Group in 2016.
I wanted to join a consulting firm that would allow me to capitalize on my skills and give me the opportunity to work on new issues and take up new challenges.
By joining WillBe Group, I was able to develop my expertise in Contract Management and broaden my field of expertise through missions that are as varied as they are interesting.
Laure, Senior Consultant
EBS Paris - International Affairs master's program
Following my studies in international business and an experience as a consultant in change management, I joined WillBe Group to refine my knowledge and expertise of transformations involving human and performance issues, while expanding my areas of intervention.
Within WillBe, I was able to develop new areas of expertise, in new sectors, with new business specificities and acquiring an empowering and rewarding autonomy.
I found a company really open to innovation, supporting proactivity, with a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a management system matching the needs and desires of each.