Reciprocal commitment for a responsible transformation

Although often ignored in the assessment of economic performance, commitment is of immense value and constitutes a social goodwill, or vice versa, a social badwill.

We have developed an innovative and integrated method to drive the level of employee engagement.

In addition to the qualitative inquiry procedures, which sometimes suffer from cognitive biases, our method relies on measure and objectification that is essential for action.

Our approach makes it possible to trnasform the organization of work, the prevention of psycho-social risks, the measures to support a reorganization, etc.

Contexts of intervention

  • Responsible transformation projects, aimed at reconciling operational constraints, competitiveness gains and social performance
  • Prevention of psychosocial risks (PSR) and absenteeism
  • Formulation of a new employer promise to allow for “symmetry of expectations”

What sets us apart

  • Implementing management systems for socio-economic performance
  • Our approaches to mobilize management are a differentiating asset for responsible performance
  • Our RVM© (reference of managerial vigilance)
  • Our ability to consider “the employee experience” in line with company strategy and to make human capital a major asset for company and employer brand

Examples of missions

  • Evaluating social goodwill and restoring social dialogue
    Evaluating social goodwill and restoring social dialogue
    Evaluating social goodwill and restoring social dialogue

    The General Management of the French subsidiary of a large industrial group is replaced following an audit of the social climate. Social dialogue must be restored urgently.

    The WillBe Group teams carry out a socio-economic audit of the subsidiary.

    Our innovative approach is based on IBET © (Well-Being at Work Index). IBET relies on objective and irrefutable elements, it reveals very significant disparities in “socio-economic” (Goodwill Social©) performance between the different units.

    Two problems must be addressed:

    • The need to address the link between “socio-economic” performance and overall performance
    • The necessity to fuel a constructive social dialogue.

    All stakeholders, including unions, are convinced. They make themselves available to redefine the business plan based on objective performance.

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